Friday, August 20, 2010


Here is a great article about exercise and the brain- I am a firm believer that regular exercise is beneficial to your brain.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mmmm for a minute, but good bye sugar for a while.

I know this isn't an inspiring post, and I hope it isn't taking away your drive! I am enjoying some cinnamon swirl bread from Kneaders bakery, made into french toast with syrup, and strawberries!! I know it's so unhealthy and fattening, but my husband and I are starting up our new super strict diet on Monday, and I don't know how I will survive 6 weeks without any of the good food I'm so used to. So I am enjoying the last bit of sugar i can have for a while. I guess I must be the pickiest eater because there is hardly anything on the diet menu that I like. And there is absolutely no sugar allowed! For all of the torture I'm about to go through, I sure hope it works! LOL!! Although Working out has made me feel better, it hasn't changed my baby pouch at all, no matter how many crunches or how long I ran. So, I decided it's time for something a bit more drastic! And I've heard with this diet, that's the area you lose fat first. Good bye sugar, soda and watermelon, it was a fun summer! Hello to all of the veggies and fish I hate so much. (who would have thought that a diet wouldn't allow corn, peas, or green beans) I will be drinking some nasty herbal green tea, and water only! I will be eating chicken and steak (with very limited seasoning) so often that I hope I still like it by the time I'm done. The first 3 weeks will be the toughest. The last 3 weeks I can start adding some of the other foods back in so my menu won't be so limited. Since Alex is on board for the ride with me, hopefully it will make things easier. My sister-in law is the one person who is a bigger sugar junky than me, and if she can do this, then there are no excuses for me. She went on this diet in June and has lost 45 pounds. She's AWESOME!! Wish us luck!!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Ok, so I've been on hold for 45 minutes and maybe my time would be better spent if I stood her and did lunges or something, but I'm not.  I'm surfing the web and  I've come across some very interesting information.  Check out  this site   (I must admit that the cookies look GOOD) and here is an article that goes with it form the Fitness Ridge Blog

Monday, August 16, 2010

Genes vs Environment
I made the mistake of looking at this article (click on the link) while eating lunch the other day. Warning, it might make you lose your lunch, or at least lose your appetite.
But it did get me thinking. Why is this OK? I really do feel that we are looking in the wrong places for the "cure" to obesity. And Marion Nestle agrees with me. Researchers are spending so much time looking for the "obesity gene", and while I think that research is important, I don't think we are going to find the answer there. In 1980 we saw a marked increased in overweight and obesity in this country. It has steadily increased since then, more so than any past three decades of our existence. Do we really think that there was a change in the gene pool? Suddenly we just don't have any self-discipline? I don't think so. I think it will always come back to the fact that there is cheap, unhealthy food everywhere you go. And A LOT of it. We are only going to be as successful as our environment allows us to be. And right now our environment is toxic. The portions, the quality, the is too much. The mother who's stroller is stocked for famine, drive through windows because heaven forbid you get out of the car to get your food, marketing campaigns that make food appear to be healthy and fast food restaurants in schools. Food has become too available and there is a constant draw to eat.
So what do you take from this? First, awareness that this isn't normal or healthy. Second, realizing that you need to take control of your immediate environment to ensure you can lead a healthy lifestyle. And third, quit blaming genes. I realize we come in all shapes and sizes which does depend on genetic makeup. But I am not asking anyone to be skinny. I want you to be healthy. Find your healthy weight by eating well and exercising.
My husband had wise words for me a few years ago: "If you can't control it, don't worry about it. If you can control it, do something about it."
Emily Fonnesbeck RD,CD

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Still in need of some motivation, any ideas besides signing up for races?